Previous art exhibitions |

4-22-05 Chaldean Artists' Masterpieces art exhibition
7-22-05 Tammuz's Revival art exhibition
12-14-05 Christmas and New Year art show
6-23-06 "Iraq...That We Know Best" art exhibition
01-13-17-07 Contemporary Iraqi Art Exhibition
04-14 – 06-16-2007 AKITU Art Exhibition - The Many Colors of IRAQ
08-23 – 09-15-2007 ENDURING SPIRIT (MONA) Major Sponsor: MCACA
Upcoming Shows

1- April 2008 AKITU Art Exhibition (Akitu stands for the Native Iraqis' New Year Festival)
2- July 14, 2008 Tammuz Resurrection (Selective Miniatures Art Works’ show)
3- Sept. 15, 2008 IRAQ … Love, Death & Beyond (One-Man Art show). Selective art works of Amer Fatuhi’s 1990-2007 |
* Click on any image to see that artist's web-site (note: not all images have links). If you are interested in purchasing any of these art works or If you need any information in regards to these art works, kindly contact the gallery staff.
* To read about these Shows, kindly visit the main page (Articles). |