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About the Exhibition: Iraq That We Know Best!

Mesopotamia .. Art, History & Beyond

On June 23, 2006 MESOPOTAMIA ART GALLERY held its latest show entitled "Iraq...That We Know Best!", an art exhibit that makes you sense Iraq's heartbeat. This unique art exhibition was adorned with art works by professional Iraqi artists, among them professional Chaldeans i.e. "native Iraqis".

The diverse art works were paintings, sculptures, prints, ceramics - terra cotta, digital art graphics, and carving on glass. The participants include the pioneer artist Issa Hanna Dabish, and the directors of the art gallery, the senior director and the international artist Amer Hanna Fatuhi, Mark George, Masaood Yaldo and Lavon Ammori.

Other participants were M. Muhraddin, Mazin Elia, Qais Al-Sindy, Roche Binyamen, Dr. Wisam Marqus (Iraq); Farouk Kaspaules and Mahmoud Al-Obaidi (Canada); Burhan Saleh Kirkukly and M. H. Abdulla (Holland); Dr. Alaa Hermiz, Joseph Yousif, Sony Bolis, Dr. Sue Roumayah, Susan Jadan, and Zuhair Shaaouni (USA). The show also included the art works of the late outstanding artist Ziad M. Haider who passed away a couple of months ago in his chosen exile, Holland.

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Ferndale Friends paper, August-September 2006